Friday, December 21, 2007

I am not yet what I'm going to be

I John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be.....
This verse has been on my mind today. As many of you know, I have been working hard to shed the pounds once again. I topped out at 300 lbs, which is a lotttttttt, even for a 6'2" man. I have started eating more sensibly (i.e. no large pepperoni pizzas and family order bread sticks for supper) and have thrown myself into exercising. I am now up to running 4 miles a day, walking another 2, along with pushups, situps, jumpropes, and other sundry exercises. Thank the good Lord I have lost a little more than 55 lbs.! Everybody that knows me can't believe the change. They compliment me all the time. I tried on some pants I use to wear today, and they slid to the ground! I have a lot to feel good about in myself. However there remains a sobering thought, I'm still fat. Everybody that knows me can see the change, they laughingly call me skinny. Yet, to a stranger, I'm just another fat guy. I still have a ways to go, and without a picture they have no way of understanding the change. I'm just wondering how much this is like our christian lives. God has completely turned my world upside down and I am not the man I used to be. I have patience that I never had, a desire to serve God that wasn't there before. Every day I can see more evidence of change. I just need a reminder from time to time that I'm not perfect yet. Those that know me can see what God has done. After 28 years of being a christian, I hope my light shines enough for a stranger to see a difference. Still, I am reminded how important it is to maintain that testimony. It does not yet appear what I will be............ He's still working on me............. I'm looking forward to the day when God carries me from this life to perfection. Until then my prayer is that I continue to strive so that every man can see what God has done, and is yet doing in me. When I fail before men, God help me to repent openly and carry on for His honor and glory.

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